Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Traffic Jam That Bottle-Necked at the Door...

Where to start today as I have many things fighting for space in my head and little grasp on any of them.


First, I will say that I am very confused. Yesterday for confirmation, we had Cindy ask the orphanage worker if Little Miss was in a foster home and the orphanage worker said, "Only for a couple of months around her surgery." Now today Little Miss tells us that there was an overpass bridge around her house. When Cindy questioned her, she explained (as Bart said) all about her foster home and told us that she lived there from about two years old to 7. Earlier this week, I had Cindy ask and she said that she was in the orphanage her whole life. Perhaps she has a fantasy of a life away from the orphanage? Or she really did live in a foster home and didn't recognize the word foster? Hmm...Questions, questions.

I have paperwork showing both ways.


As Bart said we went for a medical examination today (of her.) Picture about three hundred Chinese people lined in the hallways, two lines going opposite ways with people trying to pass in the middle. Yeah, a huge traffic jam that bottle necked at the entrance...Not good. I went with Cindy and LM (Little Miss). No elevators so LM had to climb four flights of stairs, walk down two flights, go back up two flights, go down four...You get the idea.


She had her eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth , heart (ECG) checked. She also received 5 shots. Now mind you, they did not take her back into a room to do any of this. They packed about one hundred people in the room. There were 4 open desks. People stood in line behind you and watched everything...Yup, everything. She had to get a shot in her bum...so...down goes the britches in front of everyone.


Then we went to get the urine sample. The only bathroom was very small, it had a squatty potty in it. No door for the hallway and 10-20 women in line. Unfortunately, LM cannot use a squatty potty because of her ankles so bless Cindy's heart, she went in and held LM on her lap like a seat and I hovered under her praying that I might be able to catch a little something in the 1 1/5 in diameter cup. Well...I did and so did my leg and shoe. Yeah, not pretty. I was ready be done. Out of the bathroom we walk with our urine cup in hand...along with the ten other women who went while we were cleaning ourselves up.



Needless to say, I told Cindy not to tell her we were going to take her to the doctor because I figured she would not get on the plane with us if she thought she had to endure anything like that again. The worst part is that I would guess this was one of the nicer medical clinics or they wouldn't have let us see it.

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