Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winnie the Pooh's Naughty Cousin

I just finished helping Jacie do a little math. She is actually quite good at recognizing the numbers and knowing which number follows which. Interesting.
I have not started her on any higher concepts like addition, subtraction, etc. I don't think that she will have too much trouble though.
She has been grouchy lately. I think that I figured out why. Yesterday, she said to me, "My
[s] tomach hurt..."
The light bulb went on in my head. No wonder we haven't wanted to get within a two foot radius of her...she was sick (or six as she calls it.) It doesn't surprise me since the boys have been fighting sickness for a week now.

She has enjoyed the family time that we have around the dinner table. It is difficult to have that time half of the year because of Bart's work schedule; so we have been trying to grab it in the winter as much as possible. We all love it. We always end up laughing hysterically at something said. A couple of nights ago, she looked at her dad and said, "I play Poopy bear today..."
Now keep in mind that her language is getting better but as it gets better...it gets faster. She is very hard to understand. We all looked at her and said in unison, "What?"

"I play Poopy bear today..."

Oh, my lands...it was the funniest thing ever. The boys were so disgusted.
"What is Poopy bear...???" They exclaimed.

With a straight face and a secret wicked grin, I said, "Winnie the Pooh's naughty cousin..."

Suffice it to say, Poopy Bear was her interpretation of the the name of Winnie the 'Pooh.' Along a more serious line...how difficult it must be for her. The language barrier is huge. How hard it is to differentiate between poo and Pooh? Those are the language things that can't be taught in books, they have to be experienced. I am just glad that my nimble fingers are ready and waiting to commit them all to print for your reading pleasure...hehehe. Half the time, I look read previous posts and laugh at the crazy things we have done, seen or said. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing them...

What an interesting journey we are walking...



  1. i enjoy reading about your adventures very much! <3

  2. Thanks for sharing. What an awesome blessing and huge challenge! God Bless!
