Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Little Buddy...?

I just watched the PBS documentary "Wo Ai Ni (I Love You) Mommy." It is the story of a New York family who adopted an eight year old Chinese child with special needs. It was quite interesting. I was amazed at the family's willingness to allow a camera to be 'on the scene' and witness all of the moments of this intense process. What got me the most were the opinions that were posted about this family and their ability to parent this child.

I was offended by the comments because so many of them were made in judgment.


It is difficult to be open and say, "Hey, I might not do this perfectly but I am trying to do what is right."


There are so many days that I feel like I am charting new territory and it is a scary place to go. It is not just me walking here, there is a whole family counting on my ability to maneuver. It is the same for the family in New York. They are trying to build something beautiful and allowed honesty to prevail. Good for them...


Jacie (and the family) has had a much needed rest. We have had a busy summer and loved every minute of it. The busyness left little idle time. Today we grabbed some time and just were together. Lots of fun.


She continues to grow both physically and emotionally. She is willing to go to bed fairly easily now (perhaps we wear her out...) Her room is still not in use but we are pretty flexible about it. The boys have gotten used to the little Chinese face that peers at them over the end of their bed at night...she is still sleeping between their bedrooms. Hopefully the natural progression will get her into her own bedroom by the time she hits puberty and wants the privacy. Though I hope that time does not come too quickly...


Her hair is growing out nicely. I 'talked' with her about whether she wants it long or short. I think that she likes it short, real short. I do not mind short hair but I have to help her get a style that will assist in the people around her being able to tell that she is a girl...not a very pretty boy. Even in all pink, the nurse called, "Jacie."


Then said, "Come on, buddy."




Next week, she will work on her fair projects and help her Googas with theirs. She will love that. She enjoys projects. I am trying to post a picture of her in her new boots. It was so cool to find a pair that fit her so well.







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