Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yes Grandma, Jacie is Playing with a Doll

I am sitting here laughing at Jacie as we 'speak'. I have just asked her to pick up her things off the living room floor and she not pleased. You would have thought that I asked her to scrub all of the floors with a tooth brush or at the very least, hand paint the entire house. She is arguing, whining and generally putting up a fuss. What a little stinker. She will find that she can complete this job in under five minutes...

She is such a turkey. I wonder if where she picked up this, 'I am a child in a labor camp' feeling. Actually, I don't think I would have to look much further then the other side of the table at dinnertime. I am totally convinced that Jacie thinks she is a thirteen year old boy. She acts like one, talks like one and believes that she should be allowed all of the rights that go with the age. Uhmm...

I am not convinced.

It feels like I am raising triplets.

I do have to admit that her playtime this morning does not reflect the latter statements. I know for a fact that the boys never played Barbie without trying to remove her head. She is enjoying herself. Yes grandma, Jacie is playing with a doll. I am certain that Barbie is dating the new guy in town. He is quite a good-looking fella. I wonder how Ken feels about being overthrown by Iron Man?

She is such a piece of work. Last night at the dinner table, she and daddy were playing. Somehow he put her to bed and she was sitting next to me, faking like she was sleeping while running her hand all over my face. She would snore and snort, then 'roll over' and rub my face. Sounds like an interesting dinner time to you? It's the norm around here. I looked over at her daddy and said, "She is just about not quite right. That must be why she fits in so well here."

That statement does ring of truth. Her sense of humor and mannerisms are so similar to my own that I feel an intrinsic knowledge that she is in the right place. I have always known that this was 'God's Party' but these noticeable traits give me confirmation. I am grateful for that. It is such an interesting place to be in. The incorporation of a child into an already existing family unit in no laughing matter. It is intense and fragile. It requires a patience and flexibility that is not natural. Yet, being the one to walk through it, I can honestly tell you that this whole process has a marked beauty to it. It is not something that I can describe. We continue to learn through this process. Though painful at times, it is one of the best decisions that I have made in my life.
We are exactly one month from Jacie's surgery. She will have it on a Friday and be out by the following Monday. She is not looking forward to it but I really believe that this is good. She has been complaining of foot pain a lot in the last couple of days. I wonder if it is because of the changes in the weather? Hopefully this surgery will relieve some of the pressure that she struggles with.

Continue to pray for her as she develops.


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