Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Earning Her Cowboy Boots

Wow...it is very hot. Jacie did not sleep last night so I am hot, tired and cranky.


She definitely has the makings of a farm girl. Tonight when she and I finally escaped the hot confines of the house and went outside to take a dip in the pool...about knee high on me...we were greeted at the door by three of the goats. Yeah, not so good considering that they had taken down a whole section of the fence in their escape. Jacie and I first tackled the fence. She was very helpful and even did some wire twisting herself.


Then came the hard part. We had to herd them in and keep them in while their buddies went in too. I put Jacie on the gate and I was the roper. We made a good team. I was totally shocked when one of the goats that we had run in was trying to escape and she said, "No!" and quickly shut the gate. Spoken like a true farm girl. She knew exactly what our goal was and helped greatly. It is hard to remember that she is eight because of the lack of language.


She then helped me to put the mama into the back pasture because she is about to deliver. I did not tell her why we were moving the mama in case the babies have trouble and we lose them. I cannot explain that in charades. What an old pro. She kept the other three goats back while I wrangled the unwilling mama in. I think that she earned her cowboy boots that I am ordering for her. On the farm, we don't earn our wings...we earn our boots.


She needs lacers because I cannot get her foot into regular boots. I wonder how she will walk in them? I guess we will see. They are pink and brown...the same color as her princess outfit and her gun.


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