Jacie has been home for 2 1/2 years. She was adopted from the Special Needs Chinese Adoption Program at the age of 8 years old. She is learning and growing in her forever family~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Obsessive Blogging and Spiderman

Today was probably our hardest day yet. We had nothing scheduled and really got quite bored. You can only walk to the grocery store so many times...


It is 5:30 pm here and almost dark. The city seems to stay dark all of the time. It doesn't seem to bother the locals but it is killing us. We wonder if she thinks that she will have to live here in this hotel forever. I am beginning to wonder that myself and we have six more days in Beijing. Perhaps we will all end up in the funny farm by the end.


One of the benefits of having other parents to travel with, I think is the companionship at meals, pool, etc. We are the lone strangers here and are really feeling it today. Hopefully it won't be this way for the rest of the trip.


This obsessive blogging is helping though. Sorry you have to bear the brunt of our isolation...


The boys saw another part of the city today. It is an odd mix of the 'upscale' and the lowest end. You walk out of the mall and it is facing a hut style home that I believe people live in (laundry was hanging out.) Outside of the DVD store, we saw a woman with a large growth on her back. I think the other people ran her out because she wasn't there when we came out. Very sad.


On a lighter side, we did have funny times too. Today when Jared, Ying and I were walking through the mall, she saw a picture of Spiderman and made the three fingered shooter and shot 'web' on Jared. It was so funny and random. A good mix to the day.


Also when we were walking back from the pool, she ran ahead on a long hallway. I said, "Helllooooo..." and very distantly heard "Hellllloooo..."


She is beginning to speak a little of the language. I think one of her first words will be "No!" because she is sooooo stubborn she has heard it quite often.


I looked at her scars on her feet today. Bart and I think that before her surgery at 5 1/2 years, she might not walked. So that would explain her need to do everything for herself and her determination. I can see that walking makes her tired, yet she will not let Bart carry her very often and he's her boyfriend...you can imagine how she'd feel if I tried. Plus she's quite a heavy girl, though she doesn't look it.


Again hope all is well for you all. Loren misses his horse and wants to ride as soon as he gets home. Jared misses Naughty (the dog). I am so glad they are here with Bart and I because then we don't have to miss them. ~Angie

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